Friday, April 17, 2009

Inspirational story of Susan Boyle, bringing back the real people

How sad or bad is it that people have so much materially and yet are so cynical? This cynicism is surely a sign of dissatisfaction.

When you focus on materialist acquisition for so-called fulfillment hence happiness...once you've acquired 'the latest thing' there is a brief moment of fulfillment, of 'elation' and then a downward spiral towards depression...until the mind fixes on the next 'thing'. Like the hunter the focus is honed into getting that thing, 'the fix'...and the cycle recommences...just like the drug junky.

So it was positively inspiring to see this 'diva' with no pretenses just copious talent.

Way to go Susan Boyle.

Paul Potts was recently touring NZ, another real person.

Bringing back the real people...there's a mission.